Immigration Law

Immigration law in the United States can be extremely complex. It is important to choose an honest, dedicated attorney for your case. DCDK Law can represent you with family and employment visas, asylum, deportation defense, or whatever your individual case needs are.

At DCDK Law we represent individuals seeking United States visas through marriage as well as those seeking the immigration of a close family member. We work with all immigrant and nonimmigrant visas, Green Cards, and citizenship.

If you are fleeing your home country, we will fight for your asylum, to demonstrate that you are a refugee unable or unwilling to return to your home country due to persecution or fear of persecution.

If you are facing deportation or removal proceedings in the United States, DCDK Law is the specialized immigration law office you need. We know the law and will successfully fight your deportation by USCIS.

To schedule a consultation, please contact our office or email us for more information.

DCDK Law immigration lawyer attorney